Warming Foods for Winter - Why they're important and Recipe!

We all know "comfort" foods and enjoy them. Many of us have a favorite dish that we consider "comforting" but what does "comfort food" entail? Well another word for comfort is warming. Usually warming foods are Cooked Stews, Soups, Casseroles etc. These are especially important in these Cooler, Winter months since they help to generate internal heat, help balance the effects of the season, stimulate circulation and improve digestion. Some great foods to include are: meats such as chicken and fish, eggs, tofu, tempeh, beans, chickpeas, quinoa and vegetables such: beets, carrots, turnips, sweet potatoes and potatoes. 

One recipe we like to make that's a delicious comfort food is this quick and easy Chicken Curry Recipe. You can also make it with Chickpeas, lentils or beans for a vegetarian version. Find Recipe Here: https://www.kitchensanctuary.com/easy-chicken-curry/

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