News — garden seeds
All About Growing Your Own Sprouts!
all about sprouts benefits of sprouts canadian garden seeds garden girl seeds garden seed garden seeds how to grow alfalfa sprouts how to grow sprouts how to grow sprouts for beginners how to safely eat sprouts sprouts vegetable seeds what are sprouts

Sprouts - the super easy, and fast way to enjoy something fresh and nutrient-dense anytime of the year! Sprouts are simply germinated seeds - most commonly alfalfa (which is most commonly found in stores), beet, radish, broccoli, kale, red clover and even legumes like peas and even lentils! You can enjoy sprouts in sandwiches, on salads, in smoothies, on top of stir frys and pasta dishes or even just as is! Growing up I'd enjoy getting alfalfa sprouts from the store and putting them in sandwiches but since growing them myself I've found them to be more dense and...